injuries: 115. perpetrators: al-qaeda in iraq, abu musab al-zarqawi; abu bkhabib/b, abu muaz, abu omaira and om omaira the 2005 amman bombings were a series of coordinated bomb attacks on three bhotels/b in amman, jordan on november 9, 2005. ...
Interessante anche l'operazione di cessione della sede sociale realizzata quest'bestate/b per un controvalore di 15 milioni di ? (+IVA) con una plusvalenza di 9 milioni. Inutile dire che l'immobile ? stato riaffittato con contratto b.../b
Eye Witness Report From DJ At Radisson Hotel Confirms That Bomb Was In Ceiling - Security Official Says That Lighting In Sections Of The Radisson And Hyatt Hotels Went Out Just Before The Near-Simultaneous Blasts In Apparently ...